Posts : 19 Join date : 2012-09-25
| Subject: [Trolls] IE & EN [Pesterlogs] Fri Sep 28, 2012 11:18 pm | |
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[05:43] -- imperfectEscapist [IE] began trolling expectedNightmare [EN] at 17:43 -- [05:43] IE: Hey there~! [05:45] EN: hello.. [05:46] IE: And h๑w is y๑ur day g๑ing~? [05:47] EN: is going absolutly wonderful. and um. what about you? [05:49] IE: Fairly well, just wandering ar๑und my Estate [05:49] IE: N๑thing particularly interesting happening [05:52] EN: oh? you have an estate? how do you get that? [05:52] IE: Well I am R๑yalty [05:52] IE: D๑n't y๑u kn๑w [05:54] EN: oh! um. no i didnt um knowthat. no. i didnt know this at all. oh my... im sorry i didnt recognize it earlier. oh my... so embaressing. [05:54] IE: It's c๑mpletely fine darling~! [05:55] IE: It's n๑t like I'm g๑ing ar๑und waving a banner with my symb๑l ๑n it ๑r anything [05:55] IE: Haha [05:55] EN: no no, i should of been more respecting and stuff... [05:55] IE: I'm really fine sweetheart [05:56] IE: S๑ tell me ab๑ut y๑urself~? [05:56] EN: oh. me? well. what do you want to know about me? [05:56] IE: Everything~ [05:56] EN: i dont normally tell stufff about me to offten. [05:57] IE: *eyebr๑w waggle [05:58] IE: Plus I d๑n't kn๑w y๑u very well [05:59] EN: oh... everything... thats a whole lot of stuff.. i don't know where to start! oh my oh my. and eyebrow wagles. that is lovely. you made me giggle. [05:59] EN: well i also dont know you! [05:59] IE: I bet y๑u have such a l๑vely laugh [05:59] IE: H๑w ab๑ut this~? [05:59] IE: We trade inf๑rmatin๑ [05:59] IE: *inf๑rmati๑n [05:59] IE: Y๑u tell me s๑mething ab๑ut y๑urself [05:59] IE: And I'll tell y๑u s๑mething ab๑ut me [05:59] EN: um [06:00] EN: okay that sounds wonderful [06:00] EN: i must start must i [06:01] IE: Indeed s๑~ [06:01] EN: well [06:01] EN: oh my. about me. [06:02] IE: Yes~? [06:02] EN: well [06:02] EN: my hair is really long and i love it and i will never cut it. [06:02] EN: really long. [06:02] IE: Ah~! [06:03] IE: Same with me~! [06:03] IE: Ab๑ut d๑wn t๑ my mid-waist [06:03] EN: oh!? really! mine is at my bottom end! this is so lovely! [06:04] IE: What kind ๑f style d๑ y๑u have~? [06:05] IE: Mine is l๑ng spikey [06:06] EN: myn is long very wavy [06:07] IE: のh~! [06:07] IE: Wavy~! [06:07] IE: Very c๑๑l~! [06:07] IE: Hehe [06:08] EN: yes yes. i like it very much so. and what about you. you tell me somthing to do about you. please. [06:08] IE: Well I'm a seadweller [06:09] IE: S๑mewhat ๑bvi๑usly [06:09] IE: My name is Deim๑s Tenass [06:10] EN: oh yes. that is a nice name. [06:10] EN: mine is Cybele Baahir [06:11] IE: Such a beautiful name [06:11] IE: I can ๑nly assume y๑u are equally beautiful as well~ [06:12] EN: oh no no. i wouldnt say beautiful fully. i assume i am normal im not sure. [06:12] IE: If y๑u say s๑~ [06:13] IE: I'm 6'1 [06:14] EN: oh. oh my. i'm 5'11. i know. im rather tall. blush blush. [06:14] IE: のh g๑๑dness [06:14] IE: A tall g๑dess [06:15] IE: I'm h๑n๑red t๑ be speaking t๑ y๑u [06:16] EN: oh my. mister your making my face warm. [06:17] EN: thank you i think is what i um say... [06:17] IE: It's my pleasure~ [06:17] IE: I have a tatt๑๑ [06:18] EN: oh? where is this? [06:18] IE: My chest [06:18] IE: I n๑rmally d๑n't wear a shirt [06:18] IE: S๑ I g๑t my symb๑l tatt๑๑'d ๑nt๑ my chest [06:18] EN: oh.giggles. what of? [06:19] IE: My symb๑l [06:19] IE: の [06:20] EN: oh. i see. i see. so you do want around showing it allot then. [06:20] IE: Yes I d๑~ [06:20] IE: I'm very pr๑ud ๑f my tatt๑๑ [06:20] IE: And my b๑dy [06:21] EN: very good. [06:22] EN: oh [06:22] EN: my turn [06:22] EN: well [06:22] EN: i like to design cloths.... [06:22] IE: の๑๑h~! [06:22] IE: Really~? [06:22] IE: That's freaking c๑๑l~! [06:23] EN: yes yes. [06:23] EN: i like it allot. [06:23] IE: S๑unds like a fun kind ๑f w๑rk~! [06:23] IE: I'm jeal๑us [06:24] -- imperfectEscapist [IE] changed their mood to DEVIOUS -- [06:26] EN: oh, one does not need to be jealous. i'm sure you could try it sometime.... possibly. [06:27] IE: のnly if y๑u're the ๑ne sh๑wing me~ [06:29] EN: i i um could do that. yes yes. sounds very entertaining. yes. entertaining it sounds indeed . [06:29] IE: I'm ๑nly sure [06:30] IE: I really enj๑y swimming [06:30] IE: Just the feel ๑f the water rushing ar๑und me [06:30] IE: It's just fantastic [06:31] EN: i do imagine that is a good thing since you are a sea dweller. it would be bad if you didnt like water [06:31] EN: i am terrified of water. [06:32] IE: It w๑uld be terribly awkward [06:32] IE: のh really~? [06:32] EN: i can not swim and trying... no... no water.... [06:32] IE: Perhaps I can teach y๑u~? [06:32] IE: Little by little~? [06:33] EN: oh... [06:33] EN: oh my... [06:33] EN: that... sounds terrifying. [06:33] IE: ((HEHEHEHEHEH! I keep thinking of the scene from ghost, except she's flailing all about)) [06:34] EN: i assume i could attempt to try though. [06:34] IE: It's n๑ that bad [06:34] IE: Besides, I'd be right there [06:34] IE: H๑lding y๑ur hand [06:34] IE: Each step ๑f the way [06:34] EN: oh my oh my. [06:35] EN: i would try to do it [06:35] EN: if you promise to not let me die [06:35] IE: Never~! [06:36] EN: okay i belive you [06:36] IE: We'd st๑p as s๑๑n as y๑u'd want t๑ [06:37] EN: okay. if you say. oh my. i am starting to get nervous just thinking about the water. oh my ohmy. [06:37] IE: We'll start small [06:37] IE: Maybe a glass ๑f water~? [06:37] EN: giggles [06:37] EN: okay [06:39] IE: I d๑ have a sercret [06:39] EN: oh [06:39] IE: It's n๑thing really bad [06:39] EN: do tell then if you wish [06:39] IE: I'm just slightly embarassed ab๑ut it when it happens [06:39] IE: When I get agitated ๑r startled [06:39] IE: My hair [06:39] EN: oh okay [06:39] IE: puffs up [06:39] EN: giggles [06:39] EN: that sounds wonderful [06:40] IE: It gets ann๑ying~! [06:40] IE: It's s๑ large when it puffs up~! [06:40] EN: well then [06:40] EN: lets keep you calm [06:40] EN: if you dislike it [06:40] EN: i am sure it still looks wonderful. [06:41] IE: Well y๑u haven't seen it yet [06:41] EN: giggles [06:41] EN: i know [06:42] IE: S๑ I'm fairly certain that y๑u'll think ๑therwise when y๑u see it [06:42] EN: well [06:42] EN: we will see [06:42] EN: maybe [06:43] IE: Indeed we sh๑le [06:43] EN: i will still try to keep you calm though. getting upset is never fun [06:44] IE: のf c๑urse, I'm fairly certain y๑u c๑uld always calm my st๑rm [06:45] EN: i shall try to friend. as long as you do the same for me. [06:45] IE: のf c๑urse [06:46] IE: Anytime y๑u want~ [06:47] EN: oh my. oh my. [06:47] EN: oh. [06:47] EN: i think this is my turn. [06:47] EN: i have my ears peirced all the way up my ear. [06:47] IE: の๑๑๑h~? [06:47] IE: That's pretty c๑๑l [06:47] EN: yes. [06:48] EN: I didnt even really want it before i thought about it [06:48] IE: Really~? [06:48] IE: Why n๑t~? [06:50] EN: then some one once told me about it. i was affraid and then i thought it. and i decided i would try to do so. and i did it and it was really nice and i like it. and i am proud of it. [06:50] IE: I can't wait t๑ see~! [06:50] IE: Maybe I'll get my fin piereced ๑r s๑mething [06:50] EN: oh my oh my. [06:51] IE: S๑unds like fun [06:51] EN: blush blush. [06:51] EN: i imagine. [06:51] IE: I believe it's my turn [06:52] EN: I belive it is also [06:52] IE: I d๑ enj๑y expl๑ring the ๑cean, l๑๑king f๑r treasure ๑f suken pirates and things [06:53] IE: I've amassed a small f๑rtune ๑f things [06:54] EN: oh! wow! that is very muc exciting. [06:55] IE: I supp๑se s๑ [06:55] IE: I've f๑und s๑me shiney things t๑ ๑ld b๑๑ks [06:56] EN: i like shiny things. such as what though? [06:56] IE: G๑ld c๑ins, cr๑wns and tiaras, sw๑rds, etc etc etc [06:57] IE: The usual pirate things [06:57] IE: Jewelry and gems m๑stly [06:58] EN: that is wonderful. i cant imagine. [06:59] IE: I'll have t๑ sh๑w y๑u then [06:59] IE: Alth๑ugh I'm ๑nly sure [06:59] IE: That all ๑f my shiny beautiful things [07:00] IE: D๑n't c๑mpare t๑ y๑u [07:00] EN: oh my oh my. [07:01] IE: hm~? [07:01] EN: that is very nice. thank you. my oh my. [07:02] IE: I'll bet all ๑f my g๑ld ๑n it [07:02] IE: That it's true [07:02] EN: i would hold your bets mister. [07:02] EN: giggles. [07:02] EN: well its my turn. [07:04] EN: i really like to have fun. but im to um...impulsive. i think i am thouugh... i dont know.. [07:05] IE: Hm~? [07:05] IE: Any chance ๑f a better explainati๑n ๑n that~? [07:05] EN: i um [07:05] EN: okay [07:05] IE: Just w๑ndering~ [07:05] IE: /eyebr๑w waggle [07:07] EN: i like to have fun but i always just seem to regret it later. i just. ifi have a idea i go and do it. and i think that is a bad thing. i think. [07:07] IE: のh dear [07:07] IE: Well there are n๑ bad ideas with me [07:08] IE: Expect if y๑u want t๑ ch๑p ๑ff my head [07:08] IE: That's a terrible idea [07:08] EN: that is a terrible idea. [07:08] EN: i um agree [07:08] EN: giggle [07:09] IE: Hehe [07:09] IE: I enj๑y dancing [07:09] IE: Especially d๑ing the tang๑ [07:09] IE: のr the mamb๑ [07:10] EN: ive never danced anything propar such as that. [07:10] IE: Really~? [07:10] IE: のh g๑๑dness [07:10] IE: We are g๑nna have t๑ tang๑ [07:10] IE: Under the m๑๑nlight [07:11] IE: Best thing ever [07:12] EN: oh my oh my. [07:12] EN: yes yes... i agree. [07:13] IE: Especially with a beautiful gull like y๑urself [07:14] EN: oh my. oh my. mister... you say such kind words... [07:15] IE: It's ๑nly the truth [07:15] EN: okay [07:15] EN: so [07:15] EN: my turn i think [07:15] IE: Indeed s๑ [07:16] EN: um. um. i like to explore out in the woods. [07:18] IE: のH~! [07:18] IE: I've never been t๑ the w๑๑ds~! [07:18] IE: What's it like~? [07:19] EN: it is wonderful. and beautiful and quiet. [07:19] IE: What's in it~? [07:19] EN: trees [07:19] EN: and plants [07:20] EN: and just... open area... [07:20] EN: its hard to explain.... [07:20] IE: の๑๑๑h [07:20] IE: The ๑nly thing ๑pen ar๑und here is the ๑pen ๑cean [07:20] IE: Hehe [07:22] EN: oh my. oh my. i was thinking somthing else. blush blush. we will have to show each other each open area possibly. maybe. [07:23] IE: Well mine might take a bit l๑nger [07:23] IE: With y๑ur fear ๑f water and whatn๑t [07:24] EN: yes yes. I know. thats why i said maye. [07:24] EN: maybe* [07:25] IE: Like I said [07:25] IE: We'll w๑rk ๑n it t๑gether [07:28] EN: i'm going to be so shy with the water... im sorry already... [07:28] IE: It's fine~! [07:28] IE: Really~! [07:28] IE: I'll h๑ld y๑ur hand the entire time [07:28] IE: And y๑u'll have a fl๑atie ๑n just in case [07:29] EN: oh my oh my. [07:29] EN: you wont let me drown please [07:29] IE: Never~! [07:29] IE: N๑t ever~! [07:29] EN: oh my. [07:30] EN: i may cling [07:30] IE: I'm fine with that~ [07:30] IE: I might cling back~ [07:31] EN: okay. okay. giggles. [07:32] IE: S๑ d๑ y๑u style hair~? [07:33] EN: i was about to say that actually. giggles. [07:33] IE: S๑ y๑u d๑~? [07:33] EN: yes yes [07:34] IE: C๑๑lness~! [07:34] IE: I can't really style my hair [07:34] IE: I just wash it really well [07:35] EN: i will style it for you if you want ever... maybe.. if you want... yes. this sounds fun. [07:35] IE: I'd l๑ve it~! [07:36] IE: I've never had my hair styled bef๑re [07:39] EN: giggles. okay [07:39] EN: i would like to do that [07:40] IE: Fintastic~! [07:42] IE: Uhhh let's sea [07:43] IE: I usually wear a c๑uple layers ๑f sar๑ngs [07:43] IE: They're just s๑ c๑nfertable~ [07:44] EN: what is sarongs ? [07:45] IE: Kind ๑f like a sash f๑r beach-g๑ers [07:45] IE: They c๑me in c๑l๑rful c๑l๑rs [07:45] IE: And fl๑w nicely in the water [07:46] EN: oh. i have never heard of such a thing. [07:47] IE: のh y๑u'll l๑ve em [07:47] IE: I have l๑ts [07:47] IE: I'll let y๑u b๑rr๑w s๑me [07:48] EN: okay. if you say so. i would want to try them. they sound nice. [07:49] IE: They als๑ fl๑w nicely when dancing [07:49] IE: /eyebr๑w waggle [07:49] EN: giggles. [07:50] EN: i want to dance one day. [07:51] EN: in them [07:51] EN: then [07:51] IE: With me~? [07:51] EN: because i would feel really confident in them when dancing. [07:51] EN: yes. [07:51] EN: okay [07:51] IE: のh my~ [07:51] EN: smiles. blush blush. [07:51] IE: My heart just fluttered at the th๑ught ๑f that [07:52] EN: oh my. oh my. sorry. blushes. [07:52] IE: It's fine~ [07:53] IE: I like it when my heart flutters when I think ab๑ut y๑u [07:55] EN: oh my. i think it is a nice thing to hear. [07:57] IE: S๑ when w๑uld I be able t๑ meet y๑u~? [07:57] EN: oh my. um... im not sure. really anytime probably. maybe. [07:57] IE: Fintastic~ [07:57] IE: I'll be sure t๑ sh๑w up in a flashy manner [07:58] EN: i will probably just be there .giggles. you tell me when mister. and i will come. [07:58] IE: As will I~ [07:58] IE: Sweet g๑ddess~ [08:01] EN: blushes. so it must be my turn. yes yes. [08:01] EN: well... [08:01] EN: um.. [08:01] IE: Indeed s๑ [08:01] EN: i like to read. [08:01] EN: romance novels. [08:01] IE: のh~? [08:01] EN: blushes... [08:01] EN: yes... [08:02] IE: S๑ y๑u like r๑mance~? [08:02] EN: ssecretly. [08:03] IE: Secretly~? [08:03] EN: yes. yes. i do. [08:03] IE: I'm very ๑pen ab๑ut my r๑mantic intenti๑ns [08:03] EN: i dont tell many. people. no not many at all... [08:03] IE: /eyebr๑w waggle [08:03] EN: oh my ... blush blush [08:04] IE: Well I'm h๑n๑red y๑u'd tell me [08:04] EN: i regret saying it already. im so embaressed. blushes. [08:05] IE: It's fine~ [08:05] IE: I'm sure I c๑uld be r๑mantic en๑ugh f๑r y๑u [08:05] EN: probably so. maybe. i dont know. [08:06] IE: I d๑ [08:06] IE: I'm sure I'll be m๑re than r๑mantic en๑ugh f๑r y๑u [08:08] EN: oh my.... so when shall you try to help me with water? I'm curious now. [08:08] IE: H๑w ab๑ut t๑night~? If y๑u're free~? [08:09] EN: oh my. oh my. yes. yes. i am very so much free. yes. oh my. [08:09] IE: Then I shole meet y๑u ๑n the c๑astline [08:10] EN: oh... okay. [08:10] EN: water. yes. yes. i will try. [08:10] IE: I'll see y๑u there sweet g๑ddess
TL;DR Oh my! Such flirtation! And we see get to see the first interaction of Deimos and Cybele[b] | |
Posts : 19 Join date : 2012-09-25
| Subject: Re: [Trolls] IE & EN [Pesterlogs] Sat Sep 29, 2012 9:14 pm | |
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[03:45] -- imperfectEscapist [IE] began trolling expectedNightmare [EN] at 15:45 -- [03:45] IE: Hell๑ there~! [03:46] EN: oh hello! [03:47] IE: And h๑w are y๑u t๑day~? [03:48] EN: oh. im good. im good. [03:48] IE: G๑๑d t๑ hear, my l๑vely g๑ddess [03:51] EN: oh my. oh my. you flater me mister. [03:51] IE: I tell y๑u n๑thing but the truth~! [04:06] IE: Because when I first saw y๑u yesterday, I c๑uld have sw๑rn y๑u were a m๑๑n g๑ddess [04:07] EN: oh my. oh my. yes. you looked very well your self. even when your hair was all poofy. giggles. [04:07] IE: I can't c๑ntr๑l the waves~! [04:07] IE: They were c๑mpletely unexpected and startled me~! [04:09] EN: giggles. yes. im sure. im sure. thats okay though. it wasnt as me. [04:09] EN: blushes. [04:10] IE: But thank y๑u s๑ much f๑r calming me d๑wn [04:10] IE: Y๑u did such a fintastic j๑b [04:12] EN: i wasnt really sure what to do though. im so nervous around others. [04:12] EN: im happy i helped though [04:12] IE: It's c๑mpletely fine [04:12] IE: H๑lding y๑ur hand was a gift fr๑m the heavens [04:15] EN: blush blush. [04:16] EN: yes. i didnt even realize i was in the water for the most point. and from what i did feel. it wasnt that bad. then i got so scared. oh my. blush blush. that was so... oh my... [04:17] IE: It's fine [04:17] IE: Y๑u did w๑nderfully [04:17] IE: Especially with ๑ur dance [04:17] IE: Y๑u catch ๑n quickly [04:19] EN: yes. that was rather fun. i enjoyed it much so. i cant wait to do it again. having all the wind breeze through my hair. yes. yes. was mighty fun. [04:21] IE: I ap๑l๑gize if my meth๑d ๑f sl๑wly getting y๑u wet was t๑๑ surprising [04:23] EN: its... okay... blush blush. i enjoyed it. even though at the time i was rather shocked. [04:24] IE: Yes, jumping ๑n t๑p ๑f me is a bit m๑re than just sh๑cked [04:25] EN: im sorry. im sorry. oh my. i didnt know what to do. oh my. [04:25] IE: It's fine, s๑ l๑ng as y๑ur ๑kay, I'm ๑kay [04:29] EN: ive... never been that wet before... it was a little nerve racking... though i almost think if i did it again it would be better and easier for me... im i just... i dont know... [04:30] IE: Well we can try getting y๑u wet again t๑night~? Same place~? Same time~? [04:31] EN: blush blush... i...i thinkk that sounds nice. [04:34] IE: I'm ๑nly t๑๑ sure it will be [04:35] EN: oh my. oh my. [04:35] EN: (( brb)) [04:35] IE: ((Okay)) [05:02] EN: so you live underwater? [05:03] IE: Indeed I d๑ [05:03] IE: Alas I d๑ubt y๑u can visit where I live [05:04] EN: yes. i dont think that would work. i dont think that would work at all. [05:06] IE: Well that and y๑u c๑uld dr๑wn [05:08] EN: yeah... or get tangled up in hair. oh my. do you ever have that problem? that sounds scary. [05:09] IE: My hair fl๑ws pretty nicely [05:09] IE: Never had a pr๑blem with that [05:11] EN: oh my oh my ... what happens if we get our hair tangled together in water and i cant get up and i drown. [05:11] IE: Just d๑n't panic [05:11] IE: I'll breath air int๑ y๑ur m๑uth if need be [05:12] IE: F๑r y๑u see [05:12] IE: I can breath underwater [05:12] IE: Thus I can give y๑u air [05:13] EN: oh... blush blush...yes... okay... [05:13] IE: We can practice that t๑night [05:13] IE: If y๑u want~ [05:16] EN: oh my oh my. yes... we better practice... so i um... dont freak out. [05:17] IE: But ๑f c๑urse [05:19] EN: yes yes... blushes... oh... i need to braid some of my hair.... [05:21] IE: のh/ [05:21] IE: ~? [05:23] -- expectedNightmare [EN] changed their mood to OFFLINE -- [05:24] -- imperfectEscapist [IE] gave up trolling expectedNightmare [EN] at 17:24 --
TL;DR These two are some adorable motherfuckers | |
Posts : 19 Join date : 2012-09-25
| Subject: Re: [Trolls] IE & EN [Pesterlogs] Sat Sep 29, 2012 9:19 pm | |
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[05:30] -- imperfectEscapist [IE] began trolling expectedNightmare [EN] at 17:30 -- [05:31] IE: And h๑w are y๑u g๑nna braid y๑ur hair~? [05:32] EN: Just take little strands at the top and braid it. Hehe silly. [05:32] IE: Y๑u sh๑uld braid my hair s๑metime [05:35] EN: i should. yes. that sounds fun. [05:39] -- expectedNightmare [EN] changed their mood to OFFLINE -- [05:41] IE: のh s๑rry darlin~ [05:41] IE: の๑ps [05:41] IE: Never mind then [05:43] -- expectedNightmare [EN] changed their mood to CHUMMY -- [05:43] -- expectedNightmare [EN] changed their mood to MIRTHFUL -- [05:43] IE: Y๑u ๑kay darlin~? [05:44] EN: im... yes. imim good. yes yes . i think. [05:44] IE: G๑๑d t๑ hear~ [05:44] EN: yes...yes.. good.yes. good. [05:45] IE: S๑ h๑w are y๑u feeling ab๑ut meeting up~? [05:52] EN: oh... i.. i... [05:52] EN: oh my... [05:52] IE: Y๑u ๑kay darlin/ [05:52] IE: ~? [05:54] EN: i.. um... i think.. ill be okay. maybe possibly. [05:55] IE: If y๑u're n๑t, we can meet up s๑me๑ther time perhaps~? [05:55] EN: no no no.. [05:55] EN: i aam good. [05:55] EN: yes. [05:56] EN: I will like to meet up. [05:56] EN: sorry. [05:56] IE: Fintastic~ [05:56] IE: I d๑ s๑ l๑ve meeting up with y๑u [05:58] EN: yes. it was rather fun. [05:58] EN: I agree. [05:58] EN: oh [05:58] EN: sorry about that [05:58] EN: needed to... calm down. [05:58] EN: sorry. [05:58] IE: S๑rry ab๑ut what~? [05:58] EN: nothing nothing. [05:59] IE: D๑ y๑u need me t๑ c๑me ๑ver and calm y๑u d๑wn~? [05:59] EN: its nothing... [05:59] EN: im... [05:59] EN: oh.. kay... [05:59] IE: Are y๑u sure~? I'm c๑mpletely free [05:59] EN: its um. up to you. i just... im very embaressed... oh my.. [06:00] IE: Embaressed~? [06:00] IE: Why [06:00] IE: ~? [06:00] IE: Y๑u've g๑t n๑thing t๑ be embaressed ab๑ut [06:00] EN: yes.. oh course i do... [06:00] EN: of* [06:01] IE: What ๑f~? [06:01] EN: i just... do.. [06:01] IE: Darling~ [06:01] IE: Y๑u are a g๑ddess t๑ me [06:02] IE: Y๑u've g๑t n๑thing t๑ be embarssed ab๑ut [06:02] EN: shakes head. nono... [06:02] EN: i ... [06:02] EN: oh my... [06:02] IE: Y๑u what~? [06:02] IE: It can't be that bad [06:03] EN: i dont know... i just.. oh... [06:03] IE: Tell me~? [06:03] IE: Please~? [06:04] EN: im just.. its nothing.. im just a bit... flustered... thats all.. i just need to calm down [06:04] IE: I'll be ๑ver t๑ calm y๑u d๑wn in just a m๑ment, is that ๑kay~? [06:06] EN: ... oh.. um.. [06:07] EN: its.. rreally up to you.. i dont want too.. oh my... [06:07] IE: I'll be right ๑ver, d๑n't fret at all [06:08] EN: oh...okay... [06:08] IE: Just meet me at the beach where we were last time [06:08] EN: um. yes. [06:08] EN: i think. [06:08] EN: ookay. [06:08] IE: I'll see y๑u there [06:10] -- imperfectEscapist [IE] gave up trolling expectedNightmare [EN] at 18:10 --
Posts : 19 Join date : 2012-09-25
| Subject: Re: [Trolls] IE & EN [Pesterlogs] Sat Sep 29, 2012 11:02 pm | |
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-- imperfectEscapist [IE] began trolling expectedNightmare [EN] at 18:10 -- [06:10] IE: Aw that was ad๑rable~! [06:10] IE: Y๑u did such a g๑๑d j๑b~! [06:11] IE: S๑rry~! [06:15] EN: She leaves her house, still shaking and nervous. she isn't used to having very much interaction with people. And most positivly not growing close to them over such a short time. she is afraid of scaring him away she walks onto the beach, a bout down the middle. much closer than she was the last time where she was on the farthest edge possible. she stops where they were last time and sitts up agai [06:15] EN: nst a rock waiting for him. she looks up at the sky noticing the sky, it was so pretty out tonight. she was still really nervous but she has calmed her self down very much. she started braiding the end of some of her hair in an attempt to distract her self breifly. [06:16] IE: Hey~! [06:16] IE: Watch this [06:16] -- imperfectEscapist [IE] swims up to the surface just before he reaches the beach, he pops his head out of the water to see if she's there -- [06:17] IE: Ah my g๑ddess~ [06:17] -- imperfectEscapist [IE] swims toward the beach and calls out to her, hoping she can hear him over the waves. For he doesn't want to scare her -- [06:17] EN: me [06:17] EN: me [06:18] IE: / [06:18] IE: me [06:18] EN: oh. [06:19] -- expectedNightmare [EN] jumps slightly a little startled hearing her name. She stands up and waves nervously -- [06:20] IE: ((There yah go!)) [06:21] -- imperfectEscapist [IE] swims to shore and walks on the beach toward her, with a wide grin on his face -- [06:22] IE: And h๑w are y๑u this evening my g๑ddess~? [06:24] -- expectedNightmare [EN] still has one hand playing with her hair nervously -- [06:25] EN: " I'm better. I have calmed down quiet a bit... sorry again for that" she lets out a nervous giggle [06:25] -- imperfectEscapist [IE] walks up to her and grabs her hand gently -- [06:25] IE: I'm glad t๑ hear that [06:25] IE: I was w๑rried ab๑ut y๑u [06:27] EN: " It's really.. just nothing... i'm used to it. I'm very sorry i worried you." Her glance moves from the ground and looks at him in the eyes after he grabs her hand [06:28] -- imperfectEscapist [IE] kisses her hand gently and looks deeply into her eyes -- [06:28] IE: Y๑u're l๑๑king quite l๑vely t๑night, may I have this dance~? [06:29] -- expectedNightmare [EN] She blushes deeply as she slightly nods her head -- [06:30] -- imperfectEscapist [IE] takes her hand and slides the other down to her waist, he waits for her to ready herself -- [06:34] -- expectedNightmare [EN] she sets her hand on his shoulder and grips onto the others hand looking down at her feet to make sure where they are, she is still shaking slightly and she is worried that he will notice. -- [06:36] -- imperfectEscapist [IE] moves with the flow of the ocean, in small circular motions he leads her around the beach area, his body pressed against hers -- [06:38] -- expectedNightmare [EN] she doesn't say anything, just follows his movments looking up at him. that slight blush not leaving her face. -- [06:39] IE: Are y๑u ๑kay my g๑ddess~? [06:41] EN: I'm...good. Yes. [06:45] -- imperfectEscapist [IE] spins around with her and dips her in his arms -- [06:45] IE: Perhaps y๑u were thinking ab๑ut practicing taking air fr๑m me~? [06:46] -- expectedNightmare [EN] she lets a small smirk go across her face and she looks into his eyes -- [06:46] EN: i think it is the best thing to do... practice makes perfect... [06:47] IE: Then let's begin [06:47] -- imperfectEscapist [IE] kisses her passionatly, his arms cradling her body as he slowly brings her back up from the dip -- [06:52] -- expectedNightmare [EN] she kisses him back, her face flushed. she brings her other hand to his shoulder and makes it so she is holding onto her own hand behind his head -- [06:53] -- imperfectEscapist [IE] slowly picks her up slightly off the ground, carrying her whilst kissing her over to a flat rock and laying her down on it. Whilst still kissing her -- [06:57] -- expectedNightmare [EN] she starts to tangle her fingers in his hair, pulling on it ever so lightly. deepening the kiss. her back is pressed against the cold, hard rock. she wraps her legs around his hips. -- [07:00] -- imperfectEscapist [IE] grinds his body against hers as he adds tounge to his kiss. His hands run down the length of her body before reaching her thighs and gripping tightly. -- [07:07] -- expectedNightmare [EN] she attempts to surpress the embaressing noises that want to come out. She slowly stops and pulls back from the kiss slightly her face really flushed and she looks at him for a breif second before she smirks and kisses him back deeply going right back where they left off -- [07:08] -- imperfectEscapist [IE] in the short moment where she stopped kissing him, he whispered out -- [07:08] IE: のh my preci๑us little g๑ddess [07:08] -- imperfectEscapist [IE] then then moves down her neck, biting it gently -- [07:12] -- expectedNightmare [EN] she now fails to supress these noises and allows a quiet moan to slip out from her mouth and she quickly tightens her lips to make sure no more are released. she tilts her head to the side to allow more room for him -- [07:28] -- imperfectEscapist [IE] seeing there is more room, he uses entire mouth and bites down harder, griding his crotch against hers until he's pretty much dry humping -- [07:30] -- expectedNightmare [EN] she allows her eyes to fall shut and she doesnt care any more, she lets out a series of quiet moans. -- [07:35] -- imperfectEscapist [IE] stops biting her and looks at her, he stops all movement for a moment -- [07:35] IE: H๑w far d๑ y๑u want t๑ g๑, my little g๑ddess~? [07:38] -- expectedNightmare [EN] she stops for a moment and her face flushed she looks at him towering over her, she suddenly starts to get really nervous. and flustered realizing what she is doing -- [07:38] EN: oh... um... oh my... [07:40] -- imperfectEscapist [IE] has a puzzled look on his face and then smiles -- [07:40] IE: We g๑ as far as y๑u want t๑, my little g๑ddess [07:41] EN: i...i don't know if we should go much farther tonight... [07:41] EN: oh my... [07:41] IE: It's c๑mpletely y๑ur ch๑ice~ [07:41] IE: We can always meet again~ [07:41] IE: At an๑ther time~ [07:44] -- expectedNightmare [EN] she nods. cancan we please wait. -- [07:44] EN: Shit [07:44] EN: i messed up [07:44] EN: wtf [07:44] IE: ((IT's fine)) [07:44] -- expectedNightmare [EN] she nods slightly, embaressed. -- [07:44] EN: cancan...we please... wait... [07:44] IE: Then I shole leave y๑u with a kiss~ [07:45] -- imperfectEscapist [IE] kisses her gently, and then parts ways by diving into the ocean -- [07:48] -- imperfectEscapist [IE] alas he hit the ocean at the oddest angle and went out in a loud slap -- [07:50] EN: /she shakes her head. and all nervousness went away and she started laughing. and mutters to her self [07:50] EN: " Sea Dwellers are odd." [07:55] -- imperfectEscapist [IE] floats down slowly back to his estate -- [07:57] -- expectedNightmare [EN] she stands up from the rock still a little hot and bothered, pulls down her shirt and fixes her hair a little. and starts to walk down the beach and thinks about what happened and starts to beat her self up for letting it go that far. --
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| Subject: Re: [Trolls] IE & EN [Pesterlogs] | |
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